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The Candlelight Cycles

An Intimate musical performance

Among the warmth of candelight, Samuel performs a set of his latest music, combined with a pre-selected theme based on mindfulness that is weaved into the storyline of the performance. Halfway through, Samuel will engage the audience in a live meditation, instilling a touch of presence and inspiration among those present.


Private Concert To-Go

Samuel travels to you

Best for cozy living rooms, chill get-togethers, romantic evenings, relaxed parties, and other intimate settings, enjoy the soothing acoustic tunes and smooth voice of Samuel. *Mostly originals, with a few mainstream pop/ r&b covers.



During the winter of 2021, Samuel and his producer escaped the lockdown in northern Europe and recorded EP 'Oxytocin' on the beautiful island of Gran Canaria, Spain. Released in the body upon human touch,  oxytocin is what allows us to feel connected with one another - something that the world was greatly lacking at the time.  Within just two months, 'Oxytocin' was born...

Feel at home within yourself


My Story

My Story


As a musician of the world,

I have lived in 5 different countries, and can be found living in Amsterdam these days.

Originally from a state called Wisconsin in the U.S, at the age of 20, I began to travel. At the time, I knew little about the world, and even less about myself. The only thing certain was that I never truly felt like I belonged. During my travels, I experienced love, loss, adventure, and most importantly the awakening of my sexuality. Along the way, the only constant has been music. I use it to help fuel my own healing process and the healing process of others, and it is something that has always allowed me to feel at home within.

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